Elf The Musical (New Theatre Royal, Lincoln, Personal)

 🌟 Elf: The Musical 🌟

11 November 2023 at 7:00pm at New Theatre Royal, Lincoln


The 2003 film of Elf, starring Will Ferrell, is perhaps regarded as one of the most popular Christmas films to date. I have never been hugely interested in Christmas movies, and previously only seen clips of this blockbuster. However, presented by CAODS Lincoln this November, Elf The Musical is a glorious adaptation of the hit story, gleaming with even more enthusiasm and joy than ever before! Performing at the New Theatre Royal Lincoln, it may be cold outside, but this festive treat is a sure-fire guarantee to leave you feeling warm inside!

We are first greeted by the very familiar Mr and Mrs Claus, who introduce the tale, Santa's presence being a really nice opener for younger audiences. Across the show, we are enchanted by the tale of Buddy The Elf, who leaves his home in the North Pole on a journey to find his father. However stumbling into New York, the Christmas spirit isn't quite what he'd hoped, desperately trying to salvage what the big day really means. This musical is full of jollity, with Kev Richardson's musical direction leading a stunningly light and graceful orchestra, seated in front of the stage which is a delight to be able to see!

Leading the show as Buddy, Christian Norton is a superstar in encapsulating the essence of a child trapped in an adult's body. All of the mannerisms are so on point to deliver such an irresistible love for the character, Norton pouring his heart and soul into absolutely everything he does. How happy he can stay for so long is mesmerising! He is joined by a chorus of miniature elves in the opening numbers. It is utterly hilarious as they shuffle around on their knees, which shouldn't work, but the comedy of it is divine! Helen Symonds definitely deserves recognition for her costume work, especially for these Elves and their little legs, everyone looks so magical!

The Hobbs family, made up of Ian Norton, Emily Novell and Ash Betts (playing Walter, Emily and Michael respectively) feels really honest, a reflection of a more conservative household during the festive season. They help to represent Christmas for more mature audiences, where you step away from the sugar and lights to the bones of a family. Though it doesn't tackle any overly difficult themes, this works in it's favour so that the show is more accessible for families, and a happy experience nonetheless. I am particularly impressed by Betts' singing as Michael, what a voice!!

And considering the character of Jovie (Cally Stallard) repeats that she can't sing, Stallard can SING, particularly for the beautiful Never Fall In Love, a rare moment alone sees her captivate the auditorium with such a heartfelt moment. And both Lisa Reilly and Daryl Smith are favourites of mine, feeding off of Buddy's chaotic energy. They really give him a run for his money when it comes to giving absolutely everything they have to the role.

To see tap dance (choreographed by Hannah Simmons) featured is another big highlight for me. A lot of the choreo in the show is indeed challenging, though the ensemble really exceed themselves in talent and dedication. There is something really special in seeing a locally created performance, as you can see the passion racing through every inch of the show (especially with cheeky nods to Lincoln in the script)!

The musical itself is one which I personally found really enlivening, as it holds the potential to recycle typical musical tropes, especially as a film adaptation. But it feels incredibly fresh, with clever projection and movement work to transition scenes, the team have presented a really unique version of the classic, that almost certainly will not be like anything you have seen before! Equally Chad Beguelin's lyrics are humorous in a very cheesy way, and if you're a fan of the film, you can only LOVE this show!

Directed by David Taylor, CAODS' Elf The Musical is the best early Christmas treat you could ask for! Even walking out of the theatre, I couldn't help smiling, the joy is infectious!! I am really pleased I managed to squeeze in a visit to see this line up of phenomenal talent. No matter your age, get your ticket's for the final week ASAP!
P.S. I really hope the girl who asked for Zombie Apocalypse 4 gets her Christmas wish, I wouldn't want to be around if she doesn't!

You can follow me on X, Instagram and Threads @jackdavxy


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